A bit about Deanna

An assortment of photos of Deanna Washington


Deanna is passionate about the topic of connections.

Graphic design:

Newly retired from her 35 year career as a graphic designer, Deanna’s art often reflects her graphics style. 


Deanna’s parents both earned their master’s degrees in fine arts, and 2 of her 3 sisters are professional artists. When her mother passed away 8 years go, she began taking online art classes changing her life trajectory to art-based projects. In 2018, she wrote and illustrated a book, “Disneyland Wisdom. During the 2020 Covid lockdown, she designed, painted and installed the Peace Pickets and published a book about it in November 2021. At the beginning of  in 2021 she began her NatureDoodle series: land art that mostly takes 1-2 hours, sometimes pre-thought and prepared, some that happen on-the-fly of her walks.

Hi There,
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Deanna Washington

(or email me at deasideas at gmail)

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