8 of 10 people say they have a book they want to write. Out of those, perhaps only 2 actually get their book written and published.

But I wonder how many people stop because “publishing” sounds so daunting. How many of these people just want to have a couple dozen printed for their families. How many have actually already gotten a manuscript started, or even completed. How many manuscripts are out there waiting to meet some ink?

About Publishing

The Book You Were Born To Write by Kelly Notaras demystifies the writing and publishing process in such a beautiful way. I highly recommend this book. I’ve used Kelly’s editorial services and her book reflects her easy, accessible, professional spirit. In her book, she gets people out of their own way to write their book; shows them how to write a hook; how to write an outline. And from there, her services pick up and she helps people shape their content in several layers of editing. And then you learn the ins and outs of publishing—self-publishing or traditional. By the way, did  you know that self-publishing has totally changed over the years and is easy and ever—gasp—perfectly reputable to do?


About Printing


Here is a little 108-page, 8×10 guided journal I printed as a client holiday gift last year. It features artwork that I’ve done over the years. The book set pictured at the top of this post is the first drafts of a series of 5 books I’ve written. I am not confident I will ever get around to a second draft but just wanted to see them in print. They cost me around $4 each plus shipping.

I have printed at least a dozen books for myself and clients. I use Lulu.com and Blurb.com, both from which you can order 1 book or hundreds, plus they offer a platform from which you can sell your books. Take a look here to see my Dream a Little Dream Guided Journal on Blurb’s shop page.

So here I am announcing my graphic design services to you if printing is what you’d like to do with your book!

Here’s what I’ll do for you. You send me your manuscript and I will:

• put it into layout

• run spell check

• create a TOC

• a cover

• a pdf that they could then print

• upload to blurb

• which obtains you an isbn number

• set up their account with codes for discounts

• you can then order and have a place people can also order!

All of this for base price of $250 for 100 pages/30,000 words.

Additional services:

• more customization as needed

• also can be an accountability partner for completing their manuscript

Contact me for a conversation of how I may support you in getting your book in print!


I have one book I published traditionally; one published on Amazon with a self-publishing house; and I have printed at least a dozen for myself and other clients; and next week I will post my first amazon book with kindle option.

I would like a conversation about getting my book into print!

4 + 1 =



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The Busy-Woman’s Guide to Having the Time You Need and Want

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How to Organize Your Creative Overwhelm:

Bringing peace to the multi-creative

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